Glossary of Terms

Understand exactly what all of the terms from our SEL module mean.

Mair Herbert avatar
Written by Mair Herbert
Updated over a week ago

Universal Screener: Our SEL assessment, given 2-3 times per year, that measures all students' SEL skills against the CASEL Core competencies and their subskills.

Teacher Component- Teachers quantify their observations of students on a scale that is supported by an on-screen rubric. Each teacher completes a roster of their students (typically one class period).

Student Component- Students self-assess using 25 questions, and it takes an average of 4-5 minutes per student.

Subskill Assessment: Students who are in Tier 3 will take a subskill assessment. Teachers who have a student in Tier 2 or 3 will complete a subskill assessment for those students.

Screening Window: The time period where teachers and students can complete assessments.

Intervention: The sub- skill focused support students will receive based on their assessment results.

Tier Placements: In product, this refers to the level of support students are recommended to receive based on their Universal Screener and follow up Diagnostic Assessments. The SEL lead will approve tier placements.

Tier 1 is considered universal support (typically 80% of the student population).

Tier 2 is more focused instruction and support (typically 15% of the population).

Tier 3 is the strongest level of student support (typically 5% of the population).

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