Single sign-on with Google

Instructions and troubleshooting information for Google SSO

Mair Herbert avatar
Written by Mair Herbert
Updated over a week ago

Google single sign-on enables users to log in to Pulse using an existing Google account provisioned by your school or district.


The only prerequisite for using Google single sign-on is that the email address associated with a given Pulse user account is managed by Google.ย 

For staff members, this means that your school must be using Gmail.


Google single sign-on is supported by Pulse out-of-the-box; there is no need for any special configuration.

Signing in

From the main login page at, users should click the 'Sign in with Google' button:

If the user is already logged in to their Google account in the current browser, they will be logged in to their Pulse account with no further interaction necessary.

If the user is not logged in to their Google account, they will see a pop-up window prompting them to sign in:

Once the user has entered their Google credentials and clicked 'Next', they will be logged into their Pulse account.


The most common cause of failure when using Google single sign-on is that the user has an incorrect email address associated with their Pulse account.

If an individual user is unable to sign in using Google, please confirm that the email address assigned to that user in Pulse is correct. This can be done by any user with administrative privileges through the Admin > Manage users menu.

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