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Subskill Assessment FAQs

Answers to all the most popular Subskill Assessment questions our teachers ask.

Kaldia Racine avatar
Written by Kaldia Racine
Updated over a year ago

Out of all the tools in the Satchel Pulse Skills suite, our subskill assessments reign supreme in the number and quality of questions our Customer Success team gets. Here are some commonly asked questions about the mysterious subskill assessments and our bonafide answers.

Q: Why am I getting emails about finishing my screener? I've already submitted the Universal Screener for all assigned students.

A: If you've submitted the Universal Screener for all your students (you pressed the green "submit" button, right?), Satchel Pulse is sending you a subskill assessment request.

The Subskill Assessment gathers teacher subskill ratings for tier 2 and tier 3 students in your school's MTSS model.

Teachers receive Subskill Assessment requests for students before tiering when students are projected to be placed in tier 2 or 3. Teachers also receive Subskill Assessment requests when students are placed in tier 2 or 3 after tiering.

Q: How many students are placed in tier 2 or 3?

A. The answer to this question hinges on the number of students in your school and the tiering percentages set by your SEL Leads. Our basic tiering model puts 80% of students in tier 1, 15% of students in tier 2, and 5% of students in tier 3.

Tier percentages are calculated schoolwide, so the percentage of your class that will receive Subskill Assessments will vary based on the needs of your class.

Q: Do I have to complete the Subskill Assessment before the screening window closes?

A: No. The Subskill Assessments can be completed at any time. Diagnostics do not need to be completed before the end of the screening window in which they were assigned.

Q: What does the Subskill Assessment diagnose?

A: The Assessment does not diagnose any condition. The goal of the Assessment is to dive deeper into the teacher's perspective of how students perform in the more granular CASEL subskills.

Q: Will I still get student profile and class information if I do not complete the Subskill Assessment?

A: Yes. Student profile data such as radar charts and self-assessment responses are generated from the Universal Screener, so you can see that student data without any Subskill Assessment screening data.

However, the subskill screeners enrich the student profile, and we highly recommend adding their subskill scores.

Q: Is there a Subskill Assessment rubric?

A: There sure is! If your school leader doesn't provide one, you can grab a copy of the rubric using the button below.

You'll notice that the subskill assessment rubric does not contain observable subskill behaviors. That's because the subskill assessment has the subskills, so there is no need to outline them in a lengthy screening guide.

Want a printable version of the FAQs to share? Click the button below!


Please reach out to your school SEL Lead to get your questions answered.

Our Satchel Pulse team is available from 8-5 Mon-Fri to answer questions from your SEL Leads.


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