When all student screenings have been completed you will need to assign tiers to each student.
There are two places you can access the tier placement for students.
Skills Dashboard
Recently closed screening window
Note: The blue "Approve Actions" button can be used to approve all recommendations (recommended based on school tiering percentages) or only approve recommendations based on matching student and teacher scores.
When assigning tiers, there is a dropdown option to do a few different things.
Approve All Student Recommendation: Allow the system to assign a tier to each student, across all grades, based on Satchel Pulse's scoring system.
Approve All Student Matching Tier Scores: If the student and teacher scored the student similarly, you can quickly approve those to show the students who have large discrepancies between the student and teacher scoring.
Approve Only Grade Level Recommendations: You can approve all of the system recommended tiers by grade level.
You have successfully learned how to tier and change the tiers of your students. If you need additional assistance, please reach out to our Customer Support Team at Support@SatchelPulse.com.